29 July 2011

Some Reflections

So 2011 is more than halfway done, and it's not been what I had envisioned at all. When I made my list of resolutions last winter I didn't anticipate having two miscarriages within 5 months. It's really throwing me for a loop, and it's hard not to just lay on the couch and feel sorry for myself. That accomplishes nothing, so I've decided to revisit my goals and see what I can do to salvage some of them...

1. Lose 10 more pounds and stay at a healthy weight.
Well, I'm an emotional eater, so I am nowhere near accomplishing this goal. Quite the opposite, in fact.

2. Exercise more regularly. Find an activity I like doing, other than yoga.
Yeah, not so much. But this can be fixed quite easily and would help with #1.

3. Raise at least $5000 for Save the Brains.
Save the Brains is happening on August 26th this year at the Biltmore. I had a really hard time getting into planning it, as my head has been elsewhere. Thank goodness to my friend Stephanie, who has been an enormous help. Thanks Steph - xo.

4. Get our finances under control. We won't be able to pay off all our debt this year, but we can come up with a plan and stick to it. This will alleviate an enormous amount of stress.
Not at all...

5. Take the time to paint and craft more, and sell some stuff. I'd really like to actually get a viable online business going by next fall.
I'm working on this. I'm currently refinishing a chair for the bedroom, and have a bunch of other home decor projects planned. No online business in the works, but that can happen next year and I'm fine with it.

6. Cook more. I got Great Chefs Cook Vegan from my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas, and I already have The Artful Vegan, so I plan on making some new fancy dishes. I'm also planning on taking advantage of my slow cooker and making regular hearty dishes on the cheap.
Not really.

7. Blog more. I totally shit the bed on the last 10 days Vegan MoFo 2010. I tried my best, I really did, but work and school just killed it.
Kinda. There's still room for improvement, but it's getting there.

8. Join some classes and meet some new people. Maybe I'll start a meet-up of my own. I went to a Knit n' Sip at a pub in Nanaimo last year that was a lot of fun...
Well, I tried doing a knit & sip, and only two people showed up and spent quite a bit of time complaining about the location. I went to a vegan meet-up and had a great time and had some fabulous food. Maybe I'll look into a class for September.

So it's not as bad as I thought. I just need to put my mind to getting out of this funk and moving on.

27 July 2011


If people are going to keep giving me flowers, I'm going to have to buy a vase...

Flowers from Shaunna in a Bodum carafe,
and from Jessy in a Hurricane glass from Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.
Thanks guys!

11 July 2011

Lost another one

Well, we lost another pregnancy this past weekend. I am heart-broken, and not sure what to do now.